Thursday, 28 July 2016

Save the fascinating Windows 10 spotlight lock screen images

Save the fascinating Windows 10 spotlight lock screen images

Along with the all new Windows 10 you get many things for granted. Obviously if you have gone through the personalize display settings, you have certainly seen the lock screen image setting being set to Windows Spotlight by default. This is the most rated theme valuing the world wide user experiences celebrating every color in windows 10. Now when you connect to internet the spot light images are periodically downloaded and are saved securely out of the reach for a regular use. The fascinating beautiful images are world wide being provide by genre Bing for windows 10 only. And some of our users are asking how to set the pictures as their wallpapers permanently. As you see, the pictures are methodologically set to change every day you lock you lock your PC or your PC shuts down. This is how Windows is being entertained and here we come with a tool to get those mind-blowing spotlight images to your sight and reach forever. Here are the steps to conclude the purpose:

  1. Get to the Run option by pressing Windows+R keys and type the following file location checksum info or better to copy and paste in the box. %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets 
  2. You would be prompted to select yes or no if you have turned on user access control in windows control center settings to the highest.. If not being prompted then proceed to next step.
  3. The next step is to copy all the files those are present in the location. For you information there would be so many of them. All are not the images you are searching for so we would suggest not to permanently cut the files and paste some where. You should copy the files from there to an intended folder some where you desire. 
  4. After pasting the files change the file type by just renaming them by putting ".jpg" or ".jpeg" in the end of the name. As an example; rename the files from "14277sfygdwt26268" to "14277sfygdwt26268.jpg" or "14277sfygdwt26268.jpeg". Now you can see a thumbnail and can open them through any of your image viewing app installed. Theere could be any other images so just act with a great patience and you would certainly find out your desired pictures.

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